• Workshop
  • Südufer Proberaum
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onCe Festival | Workshop Thaddäus Maria Jungmann

Mo 15.05. | 14:00 Uhr

Moving texts

Writing against the myth of the fleetingness of dance. This writing workshop is aimed at people who want to keep the festival performances moving with words. The workshop is meant as an improvisation space to discover ways to describe dance in experimental forms. The texts will be published on a blog.

Der Workshop dauert insgesamt 6 Stunden.
Je 3 Stunden an den folgenden Tagen:
15.05. & 19.05., je 14:00-17:00

The workshop lasts a total of 6 hours.
3 hours each on the following days:
15.05. & 19.05., each 14:00-17:00

Ticket reservieren


Thaddäus Maria Jungmann

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